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How to choose a diamond
Through our search engine ( DIAMONDS in stock ) , You can use the carats of diamonds (Carat) Size, Budget amount (Price), color (Color) , clarity (Clarity), and cut (Cut) Parametric search the right diamond. When you choose the right diamond can leave contact information for future appointments of appreciation.
You can make an appointment in person to our company, to test the diamond of your choice. We recommend that you first elect roughly 2 to 3 tablets a few diamonds, in order to make the comparison.     
(You do not need to schedule a meeting and test drilling to pay any costs)​



透過我們的搜尋引擎 (鑽石存貨),可以用鑽石的克拉 (Carat) 大小、 預算金額 (Price)、顏色 (Color) 、淨度 (Clarity)、切工 (Cut) 等等參數搜尋心儀的鑽石。當選出心儀的鑽石後可以留下聯繫方式用於日後預約鑑賞之用。

閣下可以預約一個時間親自到本公司,對您所選的鑽石進行檢驗。 我們建議您先選出大概2至3粒心儀的鑽石,以便作出比較。    


How to choose a diamonds 如何選擇鑽石

How to read GIA grading report  如何閱讀一份GIA鑒定證書




Diamond color
Diamond color will be biased because of chemical impurities. Perfectly pure diamonds should be clear and colorless. Diamond preferred a different color can affect its value. Most diamonds are yellow with a nitrogen atom. Yellow white diamonds, lower the value. But the pink or Blue diamond prices high. Color strongly favor pink or blue diamonds may be invaluable. Common technique is to put diamonds in yellow are divided into different levels, color samples with a known color grade stone compared to determine, to D highest level, Z minimum.

GIA diamond color, gia color scale





Clarity ( Clarity ) To Diamond flaws in how much. Defects may be the natural impurities or cracks. The number, location and size of defects will affect the rating. Diamond mines in mined diamond, only the 20% can be a gem, the rest because the flaw more usually used for industrial purposes. 20%~40% of gem-quality diamonds, most of them containing visible defects. More diamonds are popular at this level. Is a perfect grade of diamonds are more rare, is called "Museum-quality" diamonds. Typically uses 10 times the Magnifier diamond internal and surface defects of size, quantity, distribution and degree of influence on the diamond luster, separate grades.
The world popular diamond clarity grading system, see table below. When grading diamonds based primarily internal and external defects, internationally, they have a unified name, logo and colors. External defects green strokes for unification said there are abrasive, extra facet, wear marks, scars, small white spots, polish mark, and so on. Internal defects characteristic uniform with red strokes, there are edges, Bruise, holes, gaps, cloud, feather, crystalline inclusions, internal growth lines and so on.


4c, gia 4c, 3ex

切割及形狀 (Cut)


未經切割打磨的鑽石並沒有耀燦生輝的光芒。切割的功用是把鑽石割成可以儘量增加光線反射的形狀。鑽石的切磨也因刻面的形狀、數量及其排列方式的不同,而有不一樣的型式,例如:明亮式「BRILLIANT」、階梯式「STEP」、混合式「MIXED」…………..等等。1919年數學家Marcel Tolkowsky發明瞭一種切割方法,能令鑽石在上方看來最為生輝。這種切割方法被稱為圓多面型也就是圓形明亮式(Round Brilliant),亦即最為常見的圓形鑽石。這種鑽石一般標準是有五十七個面或五十八個面,三十三面在冠部,二十四個面或二十五個面(即在底尖處再磨一個面)在腰以下。



切工 (以常見的圓型明亮切割為例) 所謂鑽石的切工(Cut),主要指切磨鑽石的形狀和款式、比例和修飾度。為了最大限度地體現鑽石的美,按理想的比例並精確加工十分重要。鑽石的各個部分都要求有一定的比例。在GIA 的切工評級中,共分為五級: 1. 極優(EXCELLENT) 2. 優良(VERY GOOD) 3. 良好(GOOD) 4. 尚可(FAIR) 5. 不良(POOR)。

Cut and shape (Cut)
Without cutting polishing diamonds did not shine bright sun light. Function of cutting is to maximise the light reflecting off diamonds cut into shapes. Diamond cut faceted shape, number and arrangement of the different, and there is not the same type, such as the brilliant "BRILLIANT", ladder-type "STEP", hybrid "MIXED".............. And so on. 1919 year mathematician Marcel Tolkowsky invented a cutting method, can make the diamond at the top of the most brilliant. This cutting method is called the round brilliant is round brilliant (Round Brilliant), that is the most common round diamonds. The diamond standard is 57 or 58, 33 in Crown, 24 or 25 surface (that is, at the end of tip wear one) at the waist.
Determine whether cutting fine, depends on diamond's proportions, symmetry, all angles and so on. Diamond cutting angle sometimes differ on several occasions, it will cause different effects. Cut out diamond, often only half the weight of the original stone. Diamonds in order to retain the most weight or to avoid impurities on the original stone, some diamond-cutting sacrifice when the perfect cut.
Cut ( Common round brilliant cut, for example) the so-called Diamond Cut (Cut), mainly refers to the shape and style of cut and polished diamonds, scale and trim levels. In order to maximize the beauty of diamonds, according to ideal proportions and exact processing is very important. All parts are required to have a certain proportion of the diamonds. GIA 's cut ratings, is divided into five levels: 1. Very high ( EXCELLENT ) 2. good (VERY GOOD) 3. Good ( GOOD ) 4. fair (FAIR) 5. Bad ( POOR )。



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